Hello, I'm Daniel, a designer and photographer specializing in identity systems, type exploration, and user experience. For the past three years, I've focused on interactive motion experiences in the museum industry, blending creativity with technology to craft engaging and accesible visitor interactions. I am constantly inspired by traveling and try to bring diverse cultural influences into my work, aiming to create meaningful and usable designs. I want to create work that has an impact and am interested in collaborative processes that allow for experimentation, a constant space for learning and finding ways to bring the process off of the computer and into my hands. 

Art and design are prevelant in many aspects of my day to day and I find joy in making processes such as bookbinding, printmaking and drawing. To rejuvenate my creative process you can find me either hiking a mountain or laying in a hammock reading a brick of a fantasy book.  

Education ︎︎︎ BFA in Communication Design, Massachusetts Colege of Art and Design ‘21

The best way to reach me is through email ︎︎︎ danielberubework@gmail.com
Stay updated with my work on social media ︎︎︎ ︎(Design/Personal) ︎(Photography)