Cape Fear Musuem App

Cape Fear
Musuem App

Transforming museum visits into immersive adventures

For the Cape Fear Museum, I played a central role in developing a web application aimed at enhancing the visitor experience. The application offers visitors the opportunity to participate in a visitor survey and engage in multiple scavenger hunt experiences within the museum galleries.

As the primary illustrator and animator, my focus was on creating visually captivating assets that would enrich the scavenger hunt experiences and bring the museum's exhibits to life. Additionally, I contributed to wireframing and designing the visitor survey component of the user experience, ensuring a seamless and intuitive process for visitors to provide feedback.

Throughout the project, I actively participated in discussions and decision-making processes to ensure that the scavenger hunt experiences were designed to be engaging and successful. By leveraging my expertise in illustration and animation, alongside my involvement in shaping the user experience, we aimed to create a web application that not only educates and entertains but also fosters a deeper connection between visitors and the museum's collections.

App interface


JoyLoop’s status as a variable typeface offers significant advantages, including flexibility and adaptability in design. This variability allows for dynamic adjustments in weight, width, and style, providing a broad spectrum of typographic expressions from a single typeface. As a result, JoyLoop can effortlessly transition from delicate, cursive scripts suitable for intimate letters to bold, eye-catching forms ideal for robust display applications. This versatility not only enha

nces its usability across different contexts but also paves the way for future expansions, enabling designers to create a cohesive yet diverse range of typographic styles within the JoyLoop family.

Profile images

Gallery images 

Visitor Survey

I focused on the design of the visitor survey for the Cape Fear Museum's web application, implementing dynamic features for easy updates. By crafting a flexible framework, we ensure the survey remains relevant and adaptable to evolving visitor needs and feedback.

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︎︎︎ ︎(Design/Personal) ︎(Photography)