Focus Lab

School Project

Focus Lab

Where traditional techniques meet modern innovation

Focus is revolutionizing the world of film photography by prioritizing the needs of photographers through a platform that emphasizes convenience, project organization, and community engagement. As passionate advocates of analog photography, it celebrate its unique qualities and aim to integrate them into a modern digital experience.

At the core of Focus is the commitment to bridging the gap between analog and digital realms. By placing analog processes at the forefront of our design philosophy, I have crafted an intuitive interface that facilitates the creation of physical contact sheets. These sheets not only enhance the workflow of photographers but also serve as tangible artifacts of their creative process.

Through Focus, film photographers can seamlessly organize their projects, collaborate with a vibrant community, and experience the tactile joy of interacting with their work in physical form.

Mail in orders

Motion Branding 

Motion design serves as a powerful tool to expand the universe of a branding system by adding dynamism, storytelling, and interactivity. With Focus Film Lab, I integrated motion to elevate and enrich the brand experience, creating a dynamic visual language that resonates with the essence of analog photography. 

Animated logo
Brand board
The best way to reach me is through

email ︎︎︎

Stay updated with my work on social media

︎︎︎ ︎(Design/Personal) ︎(Photography)