Golf Hall of Fame (Installing)

Golf Hall of Fame 

Inspiring a deeper appreciation for the sport of golf and its storied history

At the Golf Hall of Fame, we transformed a two-floor experience center into an immersive journey through the sport. The first floor, presented by the PGA, focuses on the technical aspects and educational knowledge about golf, including profiles of key figures. The second floor celebrates the Hall of Famers and their remarkable achievements.

I developed a cohesive visual and motion style for the attract loops, designed multiple interactive displays that explore the science behind golf, and co-designed large capstone displays in the Hall of Fame. Our design process included sketching and wireframing, user experience testing, user interface and motion design, accessibility considerations, and close collaboration with developers to bring the interactives to life.

The result is an engaging and educational environment that enhances visitors' understanding and appreciation of golf's rich history and technical aspects.

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