Materialia Lumina | Luminous Books

Materialia Lumina
Luminous Books

Appreciating the artistry and significance of three unique artist books

For the Boston Athenaeum's Materialia Lumina | Luminous Books gallery show, I led a comprehensive design project focused on creating an interactive exploration of three artist books displayed in the gallery. The aim was to provide visitors with an in-depth, engaging interaction with these precious works.

I managed all aspects of the design process, seeking feedback from other design team members to refine our approach. The interactive component allowed visitors to navigate through high-quality images of the books, enhancing their experience with moments of curated information. This content was developed in collaboration with the curator, ensuring that visitors received guided insights into the most interesting and significant aspects of each book.

The result was an interactive display that enriched the gallery experience, allowing visitors to delve deeper into the artistry and significance of the books, guided by expert commentary and high-quality visuals.

Subtle, but Impactful Motion

Small, subtle motion design plays a critical role in enhancing interactive experiences by providing visual cues that guide users intuitively through the interface. These nuanced animations help draw attention to important elements, indicate changes or progress, and make interactions feel more responsive and engaging. Attention to all the space details is what gives a visitor a truly memorable experience
Motion Exploration


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