The Sailing Museum

The Sailing Museum 

Celebrating the rich history and excitement of sailing

At The Sailing Museum in Rhode Island, we developed a range of interactive experiences to captivate and educate visitors about the world of sailing. This suite includes both touch screen and tactile interactives, each designed to engage and inform.

I was responsible for designing the attract loops, creating an inviting entry point for museum-goers. One of the key projects was the "Where to Sail" map, an interactive feature that allows visitors to discover various sailing locations across the U.S. based on selected criteria. Additionally, I designed interactives highlighting famous sailing race finishes and recounting great sailing stories.

The design process was thorough and iterative, starting with sketches and wireframes, followed by user experience testing and user interface design. We also incorporated motion design and ensured all elements were accessible. Working closely with developers, we brought these interactives to fruition, resulting in a dynamic and educational environment that celebrates the sport and history of sailing.

Where to Sail Interactive

Attract Loops 

Attract loops play a crucial role in interactive experiences by capturing visitors' attention and drawing them into the exhibits. These dynamic sequences are designed to be visually engaging and informative, providing a snapshot of what awaits within the interactive displays. By utilizing bold imagery, compelling motion graphics, and concise messaging, attract loops effectively set the tone and pique curiosity, encouraging deeper exploration. 
Famous Finishes and Great Sailing Stories interactive stills 
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