York History Center (Installing)

York History Center 

A creative suite of interactive experiences that educate but also inspire a deeper connection to the history of York County.

At the York History Center, the team at RLMG and I brought to life the rich history of York County, Pennsylvania,  through a series of interactive experiences. Our goal was to amplify the stories and heritage of the area in a way that engages and educates visitors of all ages.

As part of this initiative, I focused on creating an attract loop style that draws visitors into the exhibits, setting the stage for their journey through York's history. Additionally, I was deeply involved in the design process for several digital touch screen interactives. These interactives range from detailed explorations of prominent local figures to an engaging game that teaches visitors about the York Plan from World War II.

The design process for these interactives was thorough and iterative, starting with sketching and wireframing based on the content topics. We prioritized user experience testing to ensure that the interactives were intuitive and engaging. This was followed by user interface design, where I developed the visual aesthetics and functionality of each interactive. Motion design elements were incorporated to add dynamism and fluidity, enhancing the overall experience.

Accessibility was a key consideration throughout the project. We conducted rigorous accessibility design and testing to ensure that the interactives were inclusive and could be enjoyed by all visitors. Finally, I collaborated closely with a developer to bring these designs to life, ensuring that the final product was both functional and visually compelling.

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